Does Insignia TV Have Airplay

Does Insignia TV Have Airplay? Answered 2023

It is exciting to watch and reminisce when, while looking at your iPhone, a brand-new memory video appears thanks to Apple. It’s important to know does Insignia TV have Airplay.

It is possible to Airplay to an Insignia TV. The ability to use Airplay is built into the newest models of Insignia Fire TVs, whereas older models require the use of additional apps or tools.

Keep reading and find out more about Insignia TV.

Does Insignia TV Have Airplay?

Determining whether your TV was produced prior to or subsequent to 2020 should be your first step.

Apple Homekit support is available on every new Insignia Fire TV. By connecting your TV to the Homekit on your phone, you can use Airplay with them.

There is no inherent ability for any older models of the TV to connect to Apple Homekit. They can still use Apple Airplay even though it will be a little more challenging if they’re willing to download an extra app, purchase a streaming device, and connect their devices with an HDMI cable.

Buy a Roku Streaming Streaming Stick

Does Insignia TV Have Airplay

You must buy a Roku Streaming Stick to make Airplay work on your Insignia TV. Any streaming stick will work, including the Roku Streaming Stick+ and the Roku Streaming Stick 4k 2021. Once you have purchased a Roku Streaming Stick, follow these steps to begin using Airplay:

  1. Open your new Roku Stick. Plug it into your For this to function, the TV must be turned on and configured.
  2. Hit the home button on your If you aren’t already on the home screen, use the Roku remote.
  3. Select ‘Settings
  4. Select ‘Apple Airplay and Homekit
  5. On the next screen, ensure the word ‘On‘ appears next to the words ‘AirPlay.’ If it says ‘Off‘, change this setting to say ‘On.’
  6. Next, ensure that the section that says ‘Require Code‘ is set to your preferred setting. ‘First Time Only‘ pops up a security code the first time you use AirPlay. ‘Always‘ pops up a security code every time, and ‘Password‘ requires you to use a password whenever you want to use the function.
  7. Take out your iPhone.
  8. Navigate to the WiFi settings on your phone. This process won’t work if your iPhone isn’t connected to the same WiFi network as your Roku.
  9. Swipe down at the top right corner of your iPhone until your utility menu pops up.
  10. Go to the section that says ‘Screen Mirroring‘ and tap on it. A passcode prompt will appear. Use the code that appears on your To bypass this screen, use Roku.
  11. A menu will pop up to show your screen mirroring options. Both your phone and TV should display the same menu. To begin mirroring your phone to your TV, close the menu now. When finished, select “Stop Mirroring” from your menu by swiping backwards.

Buy An Apple TV 4K

Because you are a die-hard Apple fan and only purchase Apple products, there is an alternative if you want to use AirPlay but do not want to purchase a Roku Streaming Stick. It is possible to Airplay to your Insignia TV if you buy an Apple TV 4K device. Here is how it works:

  1. Set up your Apple TV 4K device as per the instructions it comes with. In order to configure your Apple TV, you can quickly find the MAC address.
  2. Using the Apple TV remote control, go to the ‘Settings‘ icon and select it. Gear in gray appears to be it.
  3. Scroll down to ‘Airplay and Homekit’ and select it.
  4. Make sure that your AirPlay status is turned to ‘On.
  5. Go back to the home screen.
  6. On your iPhone, swipe down on the right top corner to pull up the menu.
  7. Select ‘Screen Mirroring.’
  8. The Apple TV 4K will automatically recognize that your iPhone is close to your AirPlay will then start and you can watch TV.

Conclusion: Does Insignia TV Have Airplay

The ability to share favorite videos, GIFs, and websites without crowding around a small screen is generally made possible by Apple AirPlay and screen mirroring.

Use one of these suggestions the next time you’re hosting friends and family to share your favorite content.

Read More: Airplay Not Working On Samsung TV

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